Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Sentences

1. Like last year the Packers got overwhelmed in the playoffs and collapsed against the Giants.

For example in last years playoffs the Packers fell to the Giants due to the pressure of only having Fa vre for one more season.
2. Irony is when something is said or done but was meant to mean something else, or when someone says something like, you should never assume the gun isn’t loaded and then pulls the trigger and it is loaded would be irony because the person wasn’t careful about his gun to begin with.

Irony is when something is said or done but was meant to mean something else.

Irony is when the total opposite of what you expect to happen happens.

3. The Irish Civil War was a very bad time when people were fighting brothers and other relatives.

The Irish Civil War was a very confusing time that people were forced to fight their relatives with out knowing it.

4. In the excerpt from Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God the author creates diction which is both special and hard to understand.

Complicated and hard to understand, Cormac McCarthy’s diction in child of god is complicated

5. This novel shows a lot of visualization.

The Secret Life of Bee’s has many examples of visualization.

6. On March 3rd he decided to retire again, but according to MSNBC “Favre Breaks His Silence,” Brett said he wants to return to football and wants to play for the Packers.

On the 3rd of March he had a big press conference to say he was retiring from football and now, according to MSNBC “Favre Breaks His Silence,” and now Brett’s saying he wants to return and play for the Packers.

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