Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wouldn't it be great...?

If the Patriots didn't go 18-1?

If teachers hated homework as much as students did?

If Bush wasn't the President?

If McDonalds was in our school?

If gas was $1.00 a gallon?

If people never had to starve?

If wars never had to happen?

New Sentences

1. Like last year the Packers got overwhelmed in the playoffs and collapsed against the Giants.

For example in last years playoffs the Packers fell to the Giants due to the pressure of only having Fa vre for one more season.
2. Irony is when something is said or done but was meant to mean something else, or when someone says something like, you should never assume the gun isn’t loaded and then pulls the trigger and it is loaded would be irony because the person wasn’t careful about his gun to begin with.

Irony is when something is said or done but was meant to mean something else.

Irony is when the total opposite of what you expect to happen happens.

3. The Irish Civil War was a very bad time when people were fighting brothers and other relatives.

The Irish Civil War was a very confusing time that people were forced to fight their relatives with out knowing it.

4. In the excerpt from Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God the author creates diction which is both special and hard to understand.

Complicated and hard to understand, Cormac McCarthy’s diction in child of god is complicated

5. This novel shows a lot of visualization.

The Secret Life of Bee’s has many examples of visualization.

6. On March 3rd he decided to retire again, but according to MSNBC “Favre Breaks His Silence,” Brett said he wants to return to football and wants to play for the Packers.

On the 3rd of March he had a big press conference to say he was retiring from football and now, according to MSNBC “Favre Breaks His Silence,” and now Brett’s saying he wants to return and play for the Packers.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Brett Favres retirement

Brett Favre is one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever live. He’s won one Superbowl and 3 MVP awards. He is the greatest Packers player in the last few decades. On March 3rd he decided to retire again, but according to MSNBC “Favre Breaks His Silence,” Brett said he wants to return to football and wants to play for the Packers. The Packers coach and GM said that the starter for the beginning of the season will be Aaron Rodgers and not Brett Favre. “You’re telling me playing here is not and option,” says Brett Favre on the subject of him going back to the Packers. The coach and GM of the Packers said “ Well playing here is not an option, but we can’t envision you playing for another team.” The Packers are clearly stating that they just want him to retire to protect his legacy.
Brett Favre clearly doesn’t want to retire and thinks he has another good year left in him. In reality Brett really might have another year in him, but his team really would not be able to win the Superbowl with all the pressure of it being Favres last season. Like last year the Packers got overwhelmed in the playoffs and collapsed against the Giants. So even though Favre may want to come back and play the Packers have a better shot with Aaron Rodgers, and the Packers already have the offense set up for Aaron to take over. If this article was about a player like Drew Bledsoe then it wouldn’t get any attention but the story will get attention because when people look at Favre the see a face of commitment and dedication.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Irony in "What is the What"

The irony in What is the What is that the main character is trying to help someone and ends up getting robbed. Another example is that he is in America, a country that one associates with freedom and opportunity, and he would rather be in a refugee camp in Africa, a content that is associated with poverty and hostility.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Gerund-Object of Preposition
By drawing the paper with the black circle on it, Mrs. Hutchinson had to be stoned to death.

Infinitive Phrases
To not pick the black dot is the main goal of the villagers.

Adverbs Out of Order
Fearfully and cautiously, Mr. Hutchinson picked the paper.

Gerund Phrase
Picking the paper for the lottery is the oldest tradition in the village.
Verb-Subject Clause
If it wasn’t for tradition, the lottery wouldn’t exist.

Friday, August 1, 2008


1. A cop gets arrested
2. A fire fighters house burns down
3. A dentist has bad teeth
4. A teacher doesn’t know the subject he is teaching
5. A nun is a wrestling coach
6. A priest is a UFC fighter
7. A woman that cant have babies ends up having sextuplets
8. A boxer gets knocked out by a computer nerd
9. A 10 year old out-lifts a body builder
10. An assassin gets assassinated
11. A little dog scares a pit bull
12. A fish drowns

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Irony in The Chaser

Irony is when something is said or done but was meant to mean something else, or when someone says something like, you should never assume the gun isn’t loaded and then pulls the trigger and it is loaded would be irony because the person wasn’t careful about his gun to begin with. In the short story “The Chaser” there is a lot of examples of irony. For example a young man named Alan went to get a love potion because the girl he loved showed no feelings to him. So Alan goes and gets his love potion but the irony is that the potion is so strong that eventually he will need a potion to get rid of his lover. Another irony in this story is that Alan is looking for love but doesn’t realize that he will need a poison. The biggest irony is that Alan spent only a dollar for the love potion but in the end will need to spend five thousand dollars on the poison to get rid of his lover.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ambiguity in The Sniper

The Irish Civil War was a very bad time when people were fighting brothers and other relatives. In “The Sniper” the main character is on a roof top sniping at someone across the street. The man gets hit and fakes his own death to fool the other man. He pulls it off, and the man across the street exposes himself for an open shot. The sniper hits him and kills him. The man is dead on the street and the sniper has an urge to see who it is. He rolls the man over and discovers it’s his brother. But in the story it is the civil war so whether it is his real brother or his figurative brother is unclear. This is a example of ambiguity because the story never explains if it is the snipers real brother, his friend that he considers a brother, or if O’Flaherty means that all men are brothers.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The recurring use of the words “Born in the U.S.A.”

The recurring use of the words “Born in the U.S.A.” ironically highlights how bad it can be to live in the U.S.A. For example, he says “born down in a dead man’s town, the first kick I took was when I hit the ground.” What he means is that he lives in a small town and he has been getting kicked around since he was basically born. “I had a brother at Khe Sahn, fighting off the Viet Cong, They’re still there, but he’s all gone.” Bruce is saying that his brother went to fight in Vietnam and got killed. Bruce says “He had a girl he loved in Saigon” Springsteen mean that his brother fell in love with a girl while fighting in the war but was killed before he could be with her. So by being born in the U.S.A. Bruce couldn’t get a job and had no choice but to go to war and his brother couldn’t be with the girl he loved because he got killed. So ironically being born in the U.S.A. isn't that great.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Characterization of Secret Life of Bees

Lily: “I lay in bed and thought about dying and going to be with my mother in paradise.” Pg. 3

Lily: “My hair was constantly going off in eleven wrong directions” Pg. 3

Lily: “My first and only memory of my mother was the day she died” Pg. 5

T. Ray: “’Goddamn it, Lily, this aint funny.’” Pg. 4

T. Ray: “’You wake me up again, Lily, and I’ll get out the Martha Whites, you hear me?’” Pg. 5

T. Ray: “I was peeled away by T. Ray” Pg. 7

Rosaleen: “Rosaleen knew less about fashion than T. Ray”

Rosaleen: “’ You don’t need to go to some high-falutin school to get charm.” Pg. 10

Rosaleen: “’ You’re charming enough,’” Pg.9

Friday, July 18, 2008

Topic Question

What is the name of the only lady in the house and what does she do?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Secret Life Of Bees Imagery: By Kevin Ceckowski

Sue Monk Kidd’s SLOB involves a young girl reaching out for stability in a difficult setting. In the beginning of the novel, Kidd uses imagery to give a clear view to the readers about what happens in the book: “At night I would lie in bed and watch the show, how bees squeezed through the cracks of my bedroom wall and flew circles around the room, making that propeller sound, a high-pitched zzzzzz that hummed along my skin.” In this quote the author clearly writes about the bees swarming into the room and flying around. In the following quote Kidd explains how the bees sound like the static on a radio “I heard them tunneling through the walls of my bedroom, sounding like a radio tuned to static.” “She had a big round face and a body that sloped out from her neck like a pup tent” in this quote Kidd is describing Rosaleen. This novel shows a lot of visualization.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

McCarthy’s Diction by: Kevin Ceckowski

All authors showcase their own style of diction. In the excerpt from Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God the author creates diction which is both special and hard to understand. Cormac’s diction is a little complicated. For example: “ever what it was”; when he writes this it is hard to understand what he is talking about. “These old boys I was with kept at me and kept at me”; when Cormac writes this understanding what he is writeing is complicated. McCarthy describes the main character: “ he just shoot directly he seen the feathers fly. You couldn’t tell it.” This sentence just dose not even make sense.The quotes above are the reason Cormac McCarthy’s diction does not make sense.